Online Affiliate Marketing

A Few Truths About Making Money Online

Internet Marketing

If you are looking to make money online as an affiliate marketer, you have landed in the right place.

The alluring dream of making millions online from home is a powerful incentive to get started with Internet Marketing. Let’s be for real though, for 99% of online affiliate marketers, it is just that… a dream.

Affiliate Marketing

I have been an affiliate marketer since 2009 and I’ve had my share of success and failure selling in the online marketing space.  I have learned a lot and spent a lot of money on products, courses and seminars – all to learn how to make money online.

I wish I could say that my story is one of rags to riches, but that is not true. Like many online marketers, I struggled to make money, but eventually I learned how; by developing basic skills.

I learned WordPress, SEO, List Building, Social Marketing and lots more. Believe me, success did not come overnight, but through applying what I learned, persistence and a little luck –  I now generate a living income online.

I do not believe in hype – because it’s an emotional ploy that seldom results in real accomplishment.

I review products and systems that I use on a daily basis as well as those that I have purchase that were total dogs.

The fact is that in the Internet Marketing sphere there are scores of products that like “shiny objects” captivate of attention and emotions, but in the end they are simply a waste of time.

What I have discovered is that making money online comes down to mastering a few skills – not buying product after product hoping that it is the “magic bullet” that is going to make you money.

If there is one thing that I would do differently it would be to build a huge list from the start.

Truly, the money is in the list (at least your relationship with your subscribers). Having a list of at least 1000 subscribers can mean the difference between earning a living online and struggling every day.

The next essential lesson I learned was that there is a cost to having a business. FREE is not FREE!

Most courses that advertise that you can make money using a FREE system neglect to incorporate the cost of time in the equation.

For example, if you need 5  unique content articles which is easier? Writing them yourself or outsourcing it to a professional writer?

On the surface you might say, I’ll write the articles myself.  But what is the true cost? TIME…

If it takes you an hour per article, that’s 5 hours you spent writing articles. I’d rather spend $50 to have the articles written and spend 5 hours marketing my business.

I’ll share more about that later, but rest assured that you will want to outsource the things you don’t want to do or hate doing. In the end, it will make you more money than you spend.

So having a budget is essential. There are inherent costs to doing business online:

  1. Domain costs
  2. Hosting costs
  3. Software
  4. Expert Training

Finally, inside you will find Product Reviews, Tutorials and Discussion about making money online. I recommend you subscribe to keep up with my most recent posts. It costs you nothing and I guarantee you’re bound to learn something that will help you in your online business.

Thanks for taking the time and I recommend you visit again.


Bob Coleman

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